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Spinal Fitness Crossfit Chiropractic Team: CrossFit is a fitness regimen developed by Greg Glassman several years ago. Composed of Increased work capacity across broad time and modal domains. He then created a program specifically designed to improve fitness and health. It is promoted as both a physical exercise philosophy and also as a competitive fitness sport, CrossFit workouts incorporate elements from high-intensity interval training, Olympic weight lifting, plyometrics, powerlifting, gymnastics, girevoy sport, calisthenics, strongman, and other exercises.

It is practiced by members of over 13,000 affiliated gyms, roughly half of which are located in the United States, and by individuals who complete daily workouts known as “WODs” or “workouts of the day.” It is constantly being varied with functional movements performed at a high intensity. All workouts are based on functional movements. These movements reflect gymnastics, weightlifting, running, rowing, etc.

Moving larges loads over long distances, which makes this type of workout ideal for maximizing the amount of work done in the shortest time. Intensity is an essential component for results. This is measurable as work divided by time and or power. The more work you do in less time, or the higher the power output, the more intense the effort. Trainers constantly vary the approaches when training which leads to dramatic gains in fitness.

Patellofemoral Syndrome? Chiropractic Relieves The Pain! | El Paso, TX.

Patellofemoral Syndrome? Chiropractic Relieves The Pain! | El Paso, TX.

Patellofemoral Syndrome: As the weather warms and spring is in full swing, more and more runners are heading outside, hitting the pavement to train for upcoming races or to just step up their game after a long winter. While there are some die hard runners who don�t let even the most brutal winter stop them, most tend to retreat indoors, waiting for warmer days and a more pleasant environment. Unfortunately, increased activity can also lead to an increased risk of injury, particularly patellofemoral pain syndrome (PFPS), also known as runner�s knee.

What Is Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome?

Runner�s knee is often used to describe PFPS, but runner�s knee is actually a broader term describing several different knee injuries or ailments. PFPS is a painful condition that is caused when the tissue that is between the femur (thigh bone) and the patella (kneecap) becomes inflamed or irritated.

Most people will notice pain in the front portion or anterior part of the knee, but pain can be experienced in other parts of the knee and even back pain may occur. Running increases the discomfort, as does sitting for long periods and going up or down stairs.

The causes of PFPS can also vary widely. Overuse is often the first thing that people think, but a problem with the way the knee is aligned is actually the most common reason.

If the patella is not properly aligned, when it moves through the groove that is at the end of the femur, it causes irritation to the surrounding tissues. This usually happens because the muscles and joints are out of balance.

For instance, if the quad muscle on one side is weaker than the other side it throws the entire system out of balance, causing the knee to become misaligned. This leads to knee pain and discomfort.

patellofemoral syndrome el paso tx.

Treatment For Patellofemoral Syndrome – Runner�s Knee

When treating PFPS, rest is usually first on the list, followed by icing the area to reduce inflammation. Once the pain is under control, the next step is to determine what is causing the problem. It is important to rule out more serious conditions or injuries first in order to determine the best course of treatment.

If it is indeed PFPS, strengthening the muscles in and around the knee is generally the first step in treatment. It is important that the muscle strength is balanced so that the knee can be properly aligned. Getting a good pair of running shoes is also recommended so that future injury can be prevented.

Chiropractic For Runner�s Knee

Runner�s knee, or PFPS, responds very well to chiropractic treatment. The chiropractor is able to do a complete exam and find the cause of the problem, then tailor the treatment accordingly. This is typically done on a case by case basis with treatment that is based on the individual�s unique needs. The chiropractor may do various chiropractic alignments and manipulations on the spine, hip, ankle, and knee in order to bring the body back into proper balance.

The chiropractor may also recommend other complimentary treatments including special supplements, dietary adjustments, and an exercise plan. The chiropractor may also recommend certain stretching exercises to aid in healing. Kinesio taping is another common treatment that may be used in conjunction with chiropractic care. It is particularly beneficial when there is a muscular strength imbalance. The tape can help support the weaker muscle group.

Chiropractic care is a very effective treatment for patellofemoral syndrome and the associated knee pain. It works to correct the problem by bringing the body back into proper alignment, allowing it to function as it should.

Injury Medical Clinic: Sport Injury Treatments

Cyclists Benefit With Chiropractic | El Paso, TX.�

Cyclists Benefit With Chiropractic | El Paso, TX.�

Cyclists: Now that summer is upon us and the chilly winds of winter are gone for at least a few months, more people are taking their fitness and recreational activities outside. Cycling is popular activity that fits both bills. It is a great way to unwind and enjoy the great outdoors, but it is also an excellent form of exercise.


Chiropractic provides excellent benefits for the cycler, whether you hit the trails on the weekend, incorporate cycling as part of your fitness regimen, or commute to work on your bike every day.

  • Relief from Pain
  • Faster Healing from Injuries
  • Better Muscle Tone and Balance
  • Improved Range of Motion
  • Enriched Cycling Biomechanics

In short, chiropractic can help make you a better cyclist and help you get the most out of your cycling. It will help keep your body aligned and balanced physically, but it also treats the whole body.

That means that your chiropractor will also make nutritional recommendations and even recommend various supplements if necessary. This will give your energy a boost and improve your performance, while helping you stay healthy and fit. This is how chiropractic helps you have more stamina and endurance.

cyclists el paso tx.Chiropractic For Cycling Injuries

As with any type of physical activity, there is always a chance that injuries will occur. Chiropractic helps keep your body balanced and improves your flexibility. This, in turn, decreases your chance for injury.

However, if you are injured, chiropractic can help you recover and heal much faster. You start with a healthy, balanced body through regular chiropractic care, and that helps you bounce back faster if you sustain an injury.

Chiropractic care can also be used to treat injuries. Cycling can cause pain and injury in the ligaments, muscles, knees, ankles, hips, hands, wrists, feet, neck, back, and shoulders.

Regular adjustments can help decrease the likelihood of pain in these areas, but sometimes the soreness can creep in anyway. When that happens, chiropractic treatments have been shown to be very effective in treating pain without pain medication and associated harmful side effects.

Spinal alignment is one of the most common chiropractic techniques, but it goes much farther than that. Adjustments to the legs and feet can help with ankle, knee, hip, and foot pain. Adjustments to the arms and shoulders can help relieve pain in those areas. Special attention to the joints help keep them flexible and functioning as they should.

Chiropractic Allows The Body�s Natural Ability To Heal

Chiropractic is completely natural and does not rely on invasive treatments or surgeries. It does not use medications of any kind. It uses nutrition and supplements that rely on the body�s natural ability to heal. It simply realigns the body so that the neural pathways are unobstructed. This allows blood flow to be more efficient and reach the organs much easier.

Chiropractic involves gentle spinal manipulations that realign the body and restore movement in the joints as well as muscle trigger points and soft tissue. It may include electrical muscular current therapies, massage, cold laser therapy, ultrasonic waves, and other therapies in addition to the spinal manipulations.

A chiropractic patient may be advised to rest, ice an area, elevate it, or be given specific exercises to work that area. Chiropractic is not a rote therapy as many traditional medical practices tend to be. It adjusts to each patient, taking into account their unique lifestyle, activity level, nutritional needs, and other elements that influence that particular patient�s healing process.

Chiropractic sees each patient as individual and treat them as such. This is what makes it such an effective treatment for cyclists. The benefits it offers them can not only keep them pain free and participating in their activity; it can also make them better at it.

Injury Medical Clinic: Back Pain Care & Treatments

IT or Iliotibial�Band Syndrome Sufferers! Chiropractic Helps! | El Paso, TX.

IT or Iliotibial�Band Syndrome Sufferers! Chiropractic Helps! | El Paso, TX.

IT Iliotibial band syndrome is a very common injury among runners. If it is diagnosed early and treatment commences immediately the chances of it becoming a chronic condition are reduced. It responds very well to chiropractic since it involves the pelvis and related muscles. When pelvic mechanics are not functioning properly the muscle don�t work efficiently which hinders flexibility and mobility. This can lead to tight muscles which may inhibit motion and cause pain. Chiropractic adjustments have been proven to help with the condition.

What Is The Iliotibial Band?

The Iliotibial Band, or fasciae latae, is the outer casing of muscle that extends along the outer thigh, from the top of the hip to the outside of the knee. IT Iliotibial band syndrome occurs when that casing becomes thickened. It is flexed or tight when you stand; it is what keeps your let straight, allowing the larger thigh muscle to rest.

There are two primary muscles that are involved in iliotibial band syndrome, the buttock muscle, or gluteus maximus, and the tensor fasciae latae muscles. Sometimes Iliotibial Band Syndrome is referred to Tensor Fasciae Latae Syndrome and the two terms can be used interchangeably.

IT Iliotibial Band Syndrome Defined

As the iliotibial band thickens it pulls in the area where it connects to the knee. This results in knee pain due to the application of too much pressure on the bursa. The bursa then becomes swollen, inflamed, and painful. During activity, such as running on an incline, the glutes are heavily involved.

The other end of the iliotibial band is inserted at the glutes so as the band tightens from this activity, it can trigger iliotibial band syndrome pain. Repeated activity further aggravates it, as does running on tight indoor tracks or uneven roads as well as having collapsed arches or running it inferior or worn out running shoes.

IT Iliotibial band syndrome el paso tx.Symptoms Of Iliotibial Band Syndrome

There are several symptoms that can be used to diagnose iliotibial band syndrome. Lateral knee pain (pain on the outside of the knee) is a primary symptom and often used as a key diagnostic tool. Few conditions involve lateral knee pain. Other symptoms include:

  • Pain that worsens after running, particularly after running on an incline, climbing stairs, or climbing hills
  • There may not be any pain until you do something that aggravates it like climbing a hill.
  • The pain may not begin until you are mid-way through a run.
  • The pain can be intense and debilitating.
  • It can accompany a snapping hip, which occurs when the muscles that cross the outer hip may click or snap while running or walking.
  • The pain may be present along the lateral thigh without incorporating the knee, but it is only in very rare instances that it is concentrated on the gluteal or hip muscles.

Iliotibial band syndrome is often attributed to over training. This can mean suddenly increasing hill repeats or doubling your mileage.

Treatments For IT Iliotibial Band Syndrome

If your iliotibial band syndrome is caused by a problem with pelvic function, relieving the pain from the condition can be difficult. Stretching is not likely to bring relief � and if it does it won�t last long. If the pain from iliotibial band syndrome lasts for more than two weeks even if you are only stretching, your regular exercise routine, and ice and you don�t see much improvement, a chiropractor can help.

Even if the pain is located in the knee, the problem could originate in the pelvis. A chiropractor can assess your condition, check to see that your pelvis is functioning properly. If it isn�t, spinal adjustments and other chiropractic treatments can bring the body back into alignment and make the pelvis more functional.

Chiropractic Clinic Extra: Sport Injury Treatments

Sports Injury Rehabilitation And Chiropractic | El Paso, TX. | Video

Sports Injury Rehabilitation And Chiropractic | El Paso, TX. | Video

Crossfit Rehabilitation: Daniel Alvarado, owner of Push-as-RX Fitness, discusses how he carries out his CrossFit personal injury rehabilitation and athletic training program as a part of Dr. Alex Jimenez’s chiropractic rehabilitation plan. Daniel Alvarado ensures that his rehabilitation procedures complements well with Dr. Alex Jimenez’s chiropractic treatment in order to help patients return to their original state of well-being. Both Daniel Alvarado and Dr. Alex Jimenez work hard to maintain a strong dynamic between their collaborative services.

Crossfit Rehabilitation & Chiropractic Care

Crossfit Rehabilitation is a big part of Physical therapy (PT), also referred to as physiotherapy, as one of the allied health professions. By utilizing mechanical force and motions (bio-mechanics or kinesiology), manual therapy, exercise therapy, and electrotherapy, remediates impairments and promotes mobility and purpose. Physical therapy is used to enhance a patient’s quality of life through examination, diagnosis, prognosis and physical intervention. It’s performed by physical therapists (called physiotherapists in many countries).

crossfit rehabilitation el paso tx.CrossFit originated as a plan for military forces, police and fire departments, as well as other such organizations to keep their members in the very best shape in their lives. CrossFit has taken the country by storm encouraging anyone from grandparents to specialized elite military personnel to join this growing fitness movement, today.

CrossFit is a core strength and conditioning program made to generate wide-ranging responses out of anyone who engages consistently in this training. That is not a specialized program but one designed to optimize physical performance in every one of the ten fitness realms.

The CrossFit program is intended to increase physical performance of athletes in all physical performance jobs. Qualified CrossFit athletes perform at the maximal amount in multiple, physical challenges that are varied, and randomized.

This is actually the kind of strength and fitness called upon in the line of work such as police, fire fighters, as well as the military. CrossFit has been demonstrated time and time again to be successful in these venues.

Nevertheless, you don�t need to be a top athlete to engage and gain from CrossFit. In fact, everyone from highly conditioned athletes to senior citizens have began CrossFit and benefited from the plans profoundly. The load as well as intensity of the workouts predicated on amount of physical fitness although the difference isn�t in the program.

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Thank You & God Bless.

Dr. Alex Jimenez DC, C.C.S.T

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Injury Clinic Extra: Rehabilitation & Fitness

Chiropractic Alignment | El Paso, TX. | Video

Chiropractic Alignment | El Paso, TX. | Video

Daniel Alvarado, owner of PUSH Fitness, first met Dr. Alex Jimenez through the connection of a good friend and they became workout partners. Daniel Alvarado learned a lot regarding chiropractic alignment and physiology by training with Dr. Jimenez. After experiencing upper and mid back pain as well as shoulder pain, Daniel Alvarado began receiving regular chiropractic care with Dr. Alex Jimenez in order to restore the original alignment of his spine and improve the symptoms of his injury. Daniel Alvarado highly recommends Dr. Jimenez as the non surgical choice for sports injuries, as he discusses how Dr. Alex Jimenez’s relationship with his patients can ensure a positive environment for a better, more improved treatment. Together with Dr. Alex Jimenez’s chiropractic care and his own rehabilitation and sports therapy, Daniel Alvarado emphasizes the dynamic of their services.

Chiropractic Alignment

Sports injuries are injuries which occur in athletic activities or exercising. There are kids and approximately 30 million teens alone that participate in some form of sport. About 3 million sports athletes experience sports injuries annually, which causes some loss of time of participation in the sport. Prevention helps reduce sport injuries. It’s crucial to set up participation in warm-ups and exercises which focus on primary muscle groups utilized in the game of interest. Also, establishing an accident prevention program as a staff, including education on rehydration, nutrition, tracking staff members “in danger”, tracking behavior, skills, and techniques.

chiropractic alignment el paso tx.

Our team has takes great�pride in bringing our families and injured patients only�clinically proven treatments protocols. �By teaching complete holistic wellness as a lifestyle,�we also change not only our patients lives but their families as well.� We do this so that we may reach as many El Pasoans who need us, no matter the affordability issues.

There is no reason we cannot help you.�?

Our uplifting southwest community surrounded by it limitless beauty is an amazing place to live and enjoy our families; it is therefore our mission to help each of our patients to�live,�to�love,�to�matter�and�to�thrivepain free�in this wonderful special place.

If you have enjoyed this video and/or we have helped you in any way please feel free to subscribe and share us.

Thank You & God Bless.

Dr. Alex Jimenez DC, C.C.S.T

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Chiropractic Alignment Clinic: Herniated Disc Treatment & Recovery

Chiropractic Treatment Results In El Paso, TX. | Video

Chiropractic Treatment Results In El Paso, TX. | Video

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Feeling back pain, being unable to perform daily tasks, workout and play sports can be frustrating for anyone. The debilitating symptoms can drive individuals to seek fast relief. But, while a person�s only concern maybe only to fix the day�s pain, fixing the root/cause of the problem is far better in the long run and�can be easily achieved from chiropractic treatment. After receiving a single adjustment, many people especially athletes can expect an increase in their range of motion and less pain. Regardless of the reasons for seeking chiropractic treatment, one question always crosses people�s minds, how often should one see a chiropractor?

The answer to that question depends on the individual�s goals. Generally, spinal complications are not the result of a single day�s activities but tend to occur gradually over a period of time. Many spine conditions and injuries result in symptoms that may intermittently increase and decrease over several years, causing constant, nagging pain or sharp, extreme pain due to wear and tear type of injuries that the body is no longer able to heal on its own.

Chiropractic Treatment Sports Injury


Healing requires time and patience, a person also needs to be aware of what caused the complications in the first place. Suddenly stopping strict exercise routines or gaining weight in a certain amount of time can create an accelerated aging process on the joints.

If an individual�s goals are solely focused on alleviating the pain resulting from one time, then it won�t take much time to heal. Generally, receiving adjustments 2-3 times per week for several weeks can ease pain and decrease other symptoms. But, if a person is seeking to relieve the symptoms associated with an underlying condition or injury, or if a person is seeking to correct an improper posture or a mechanical dysfunction, the process could be much longer. This healing process often may require about 2-3 months of regular adjustments.

chiropractic treatment el paso tx.

Despite completing treatment and successfully alleviating any symptoms, it is recommended to continue chiropractic adjustments on a regular basis. What is considered a regular basis for adjustments? Getting adjusted at least once a week by a chiropractor can help maintain a person�s overall health and can prevent small problems from becoming greater issues. For a greater majority of individuals, especially those who sit most of the day, it�s recommended to maintain an adjustment schedule every week or two. A chiropractor will explain what is the right schedule.

By Dr. Alex Jimenez

Chiropractic Clinic Extra: Sport Injury Treatments

Walking Benefits Everyone In El Paso, TX.

Walking Benefits Everyone In El Paso, TX.

When you walk, more than 200 individual muscles spring into action which includes all of the muscles in your spine and pelvic area. There�s no denying that walking is good for you and very beneficial to overall health. It is also very effective for spinal health. In most cases, walking is an excellent complement to chiropractic care. Here are 5 good reasons for chiropractic patients to get moving.

Walking Benefits:

Prevents & Relieves Back Pain

The American Chiropractic Association (ACA) recommends walking to help relieve back pain. It is a low impact exercise and very gentle on the back, burning around 265 calories in 30 minutes.

You should avoid walking on uneven terrain or concrete to keep it low impact and avoid injury. Exercise also releases pain relieving endorphins in addition to aiding in other conditions that can relieve pain which includes improving flexibility and mobility, helps rehydrate spinal discs, increases circulation, and aids in weight loss and weight management.

Increases Circulation

Walking increases circulation throughout your body, including your spine. This ensures that you have a continual flow of blood to the muscles and nutrients to the spine. Soft tissues are nourished and enriched while harmful toxins are drained away.

Walking is integral for spinal health. It increases circulation which, in turn, lowers blood pressure. This helps bring the body into balance and increases your stamina. As blood is moved through your body it nourishes all of your muscles, making you stronger and making it easier for you to exercise. Basically, the more you walk, the more you are able to walk.

Improves Flexibility & Mobility

As walking increases circulation, flexibility and mobility are enhanced. When combined with a regimen of light stretching, walking can increase flexibility and a better range of motion. This has the added benefits of reducing the risk of injury and improving posture.

The ACA recommends a series of stretches combined with cardio, including walking, to help with back pain management and good spinal health. It is a very good accompaniment to chiropractic care and is an effective supporting activity which will help your treatment work even better.

walking in el paso tx.

Helps Rehydrate Spinal Disks

During the day movement causes compression of your spinal discs, squeezing out the water that fills the discs so they provide a cushion or your vertebrae. The increased circulation that comes from walking also helps to move vital water to the area.

The discs absorb this water, rehydrating them so they can continue to do their job as shock absorbers for the spinal column. This is also a great case for staying well hydrated by drinking lots of water not only while you walk, but also throughout the day.

Aids With Weight Loss & Weight Management

Extra body weight can cause significant stress on the spine. Abdominal fat can create excess weight in the front, causing a swayback effect in the spine. This puts pressure on the lower back, resulting in pain in that area.

The spine is part of the body�s core and the muscles that surround the spine aid in balance and movement. When excess weight is present those muscles become strained as they must work harder to maintain balance. Walking helps with weight management and weight loss eliminating or reducing the effects of excessive weight.

Walking benefits your whole body. It reduces your risk of heart disease, improves blood sugar and blood pressure, reduces your risk of osteoporosis, helps you maintain body weight, improves your mental health, and can even reduce your risk of certain cancers. With your spine at the core of your body, good spinal health plays a part in every one of these conditions. By combining walking with chiropractic care, you are giving your body its best chance at good health and optimal function.

Chiropractic Clinic Extra: Pablo Mena & Son | PUSH-as-Rx ��