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Sports Injury

Back Clinic Sports Injury Chiropractic and Physical Therapy Team. Sports injuries occur when an athlete’s participation associated with a specific sport or physical activity leads to an injury or causes an underlying condition. Frequent types of sports injuries include sprains and strains, knee injuries, shoulder injuries, Achilles tendonitis, and bone fractures.

Chiropractic can help with injury prevention. Athletes from all sports can benefit from chiropractic treatment. Adjustments can help treat injuries from high-impact sports i.e. wrestling, football, and hockey. Athletes that get routine adjustments may notice improved athletic performance, improved range of motion along with flexibility, and increased blood flow.

Because spinal adjustments will reduce the irritation of the nerve roots between the vertebrae, the healing time from minor injuries can be shortened, which improves performance. Both high-impact and low-impact athletes can benefit from routine spinal adjustments. For high-impact athletes, it increases performance and flexibility and lowers the risk for injury for low-impact athletes i.e. tennis players, bowlers, and golfers.

Chiropractic is a natural way to treat and prevent different injuries and conditions that impact athletes. According to Dr. Jimenez, excessive training or improper gear, among other factors, are common causes of injury. Dr. Jimenez summarizes the various causes and effects of sports injuries on the athlete as well as explaining the types of treatments and rehabilitation methods that can help improve an athlete’s condition. For more information, please feel free to contact us at (915) 850-0900 or text to call Dr. Jimenez personally at (915) 540-8444.

Cyclist Chiropractic Decompression

Cyclist Chiropractic Decompression

Bicycling at any level is excellent healthwise, but the specific physical repetitive motions and postures can wear on a cyclist’s body, causing strains and injury to the:

  • Muscles
  • Ligaments
  • Tendons
  • Nerves
  • Spine

Injuries can be caused by falls, overused muscles, joints, posture, and/or balance problems, whether riding a bicycle for fun, health, or sport. Chiropractic decompression can treat cycling-related injuries and help prevent common injuries by helping cyclists with conditioning and exercises. Chiropractic adjustments, combined with health coaching and nutrition planning, can maximize the body’s overall athletic ability and increase/improve:

Cyclist Injuries Chiropractic Decompression

Common Cyclist Injuries

Competitive cyclists, commuters, and weekend riders all experience common cycling injuries that include:

Back Soreness and Pain

Many cyclists suffer from back pain overuse injuries that are caused by:

  • Incorrect saddle/seat height or an uneven seat/saddle
  • Not bending the knee at the end of a pedal stroke forces the cyclist to rock the pelvis side to side to generate enough power, placing added stress on the low back muscles.
  • Handlebars that are too far forward can cause over-stretching of the spine.
  • Constantly tilting the head can cause neck and shoulder pain.
  • Staying in the same position for an extended period strains the spine.
  • Repetitive hip flexion causes the muscles to become tight and perform less efficiently, straining the rest of the body to make up for the lost support.
  • Hamstrings that become tight can shorten in length, causing the body to pull on the pelvis and the spine.
  • Lack of core strength allows more stress to penetrate the glutes, back, and hips.
  • Riding on bumpy or rough terrain increases body jarring and spinal compression.

Chiropractic Decompression

Chiropractic decompression for cyclists can rehabilitate the body from injuries, alleviate pain, improve blood and nerve circulation and maintain the body’s flexibility. Advanced decompression techniques personalized to the individual realign and release the body from obstructions and toxins in the neural pathways. Nutritional and supplementation recommendations are incorporated to enhance the body’s natural healing abilities, and exercise/stretches to sustain the adjustments.

Spinal Decompress


Schultz, Samantha J, and Susan J Gordon. “Recreational cyclists: The relationship between low back pain and training characteristics.” International journal of exercise science vol. 3,3 79-85. 15 Jul. 2010

Silberman, Marc R. “Bicycling injuries.” Current sports medicine reports vol. 12,5 (2013): 337-45. doi:10.1249/JSR.0b013e3182a4bab7

Streisfeld, Gabriel M et al. “Relationship Between Body Positioning, Muscle Activity, and Spinal Kinematics in Cyclists With and Without Low Back Pain: A Systematic Review.” Sports health vol. 9,1 (2017): 75-79. doi:10.1177/1941738116676260

Thompson, M J, and F P Rivara. “Bicycle-related injuries.” American family physician vol. 63,10 (2001): 2007-14.

Virtanen, Kaisa. “Cyclist injuries.” Duodecim; laaketieteellinen aikakauskirja vol. 132,15 (2016): 1352-6.

Golfing Back Injuries Non-Surgical Spinal Decompression

Golfing Back Injuries Non-Surgical Spinal Decompression

Golfing Back Injuries: Golf is an enjoyable game that can be played at all ages. It involves the foundation of the body’s range of motion, the spine. Because of the repetitive nature of a golfer’s unique swing, the repetitive rotating/twisting of the spine slowly degrades the integrity of the spinal discs causing them to bulge, herniate, or rupture. The slightest shift causing misalignment can leave the spine vulnerable to further injury. Non-surgical motorized decompression combined with chiropractic musculoskeletal adjustments can restore and maintain optimal health.

Golfing Back Injuries Non-Surgical Spinal Decompression

Golfing Back Injuries

Golfing involves muscle memory. Going through the walk, bending to tee the ball, recoiling for the swing, swinging and following through, walking to the hole, and bending down to retrieve the ball are all repetitive motions that can lead to:

  • Soreness
  • Inflammation
  • Back, hip, leg, and foot pain.
  • Strains
  • Other injuries to the muscles and discs.

The bending and twisting are the least tolerated motions by the spine. More than half of injuries sustained involve the back and/or neck. Having the spine correctly aligned is vital to retaining accuracy, power, and injury prevention. Common injuries include:

Sacroiliac Joint/SI Joint Dysfunction

The sacroiliac joint is located between the spine and the hip. Symptoms of sacroiliac joint pain include:

  • Low back pain.
  • Hip pain
  • Pain in the buttocks.
  • Pain radiating down the legs.
  • Groin pain
  • Pelvis pain
  • Burning sensation in the pelvis.
  • Numbness and weakness in the pelvis and legs.

SI Joint Pain Causes

  • The sacroiliac joint requires supported stability when transferring a load from the torso to the legs, specifically during the swing.
  • If there is compression, misalignment, or weakness, the motion will begin to wear away this stability and leave the sacroiliac joint open to further injury.
  • Sacroiliac joint injuries often occur from minor multi-incidents and not one major trauma.
  • With time the SI joint becomes misaligned, exposing the cartilage between joints, causing inflammation known as Sacroiliitis.

Facet Joint Syndrome

  • The facet joints are located between two vertebrae, allowing the ability to bend and twist.
  • Healthy facet joints have cartilage all around them, allowing the vertebrae to move smoothly in all directions.
  • Facet joint syndrome causes pain between the vertebrae.

Facet Joint Syndrome Causes

  • The leading cause of facet joint syndrome is excessive and repetitive swing movement.
  • Misalignment can expose and irritate the joints, causing pain, swelling, and inflammation.
  • Multi-micro-traumas and not one major trauma are often the cause of injury/s.
  • Muscle spasms are common.


  • Highly reduced range of motion
  • Muscle pain
  • Numbness
  • Weakness
  • Cervical Facet Syndrome affects the neck, shoulders, arms, and hands.
  • Lumbar Facet Syndrome affects the buttocks, legs, and feet.

Spinal Decompression

Spinal decompression provides relief for golfing back injuries.

  • Decompression treatment varies from case to case.
  • The treatment is computer-controlled to provide gentle and painless decompression.
  • The therapist enters the program cycle.
  • The decompression table goes through brief moments of pulling and relaxing.
  • The spine’s bones are stretched slowly and methodically.
  • As the vertebrae are separated, a vacuum is formed, pulling the gel-cushion center of the disc back inside, removing the pressure on the spinal nerves and alleviating pain and disability.
  • The vacuum also draws oxygen and nutrients into the injured and degenerated discs to optimize healing.

DRX 9000

Long Term Success


Cole, Michael H, and Paul N Grimshaw. “The Biomechanics of the Modern Golf Swing: Implications for Lower Back Injuries.” Sports medicine (Auckland, N.Z.) vol. 46,3 (2016): 339-51. doi:10.1007/s40279-015-0429-1

Dydyk, Alexander M., et al. “Sacroiliac Joint Injury.” StatPearls, StatPearls Publishing, 4 August 2021.

Hosea, T M, and C J Gatt Jr. “Back pain in golf.” Clinics in sports medicine vol. 15,1 (1996): 37-53.

Lindsay, David M, and Anthony A Vandervoort. “Golf-related low back pain: a review of causative factors and prevention strategies.” Asian journal of sports medicine vol. 5,4 (2014): e24289. doi:10.5812/asjsm.24289

Smith, Jo Armour, et al. “Risk Factors Associated With Low Back Pain in Golfers: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis.” Sports health vol. 10,6 (2018): 538-546. doi:10.1177/1941738118795425

Sports Chiropractic Athletes

Sports Chiropractic Athletes

Sports chiropractic athletes: A sports chiropractor is a specialist that works with athletes to improve their performance. These doctors specialize in assessing and treating sports injuries. Treatment also prevents future damage/injury by providing a customized rehabilitation, strengthening, flexibility, and mobility program, that includes:

  • Exercise prescription
  • Ergonomic recommendations
  • Health coaching/counseling
  • Therapeutic sports massage

Sports chiropractic deals with preventing, diagnosing, and treating sports-athletic-based injuries to muscles, tendons, ligaments, and joints. Sports chiropractors have extensive training in evaluating muscular-skeletal problems related to sports participation overuse. Diagnosis is acquired through:

Sports Chiropractic Athletes

Sports Chiropractic Athletes

Chiropractors are masters of the human body and trained to use advanced diagnostics tools. A sports chiropractor evaluates individuals from all levels of sports and fitness, including:

  • Athletes – professional or recreational
  • Weekend warriors
  • Military personnel

The objective is to identify musculoskeletal problems related to sporting activity or overuse, alleviate pain, rehabilitate, and strengthen to prevent future injury. They can diagnose and treat sports-related injuries from common overuse injuries like:

  • Hip pain from frequently running on pavement.
  • Shoulder pain from damage caused by continued overhead throwing or hitting.
  • Low back and leg issues from twisting, bending, jumping, and reaching.


Athletes need a healthy balance of endurance, strength, and structure. Through biomechanics training, sports chiropractic restores the body’s natural balance and proper function. The goal is to get the athlete re-engaged and protected against further injury and play without any problems or limitations. Sports chiropractic athletes can return in a short amount of time from injuries that include:

  • Torn ACLs
  • MCL Sprain
  • Ankle Sprain
  • Achilles Tendonitis
  • Rotator cuff tears
  • Quadriceps Strains
  • Hamstrings Strains
  • Shin Splints
  • Sports Hernia
  • Neck Pain
  • Back Pain
  • Spondylolisthesis

Prevention Regimen

They can recommend prevention programs to prevent potential problems before an athlete gets hurt. A chiropractor will detect developing muscle imbalances before they turn into a chronic condition that can lead to damage to the rest of the body. Additional therapies include:

  • Massage
  • Hot/cold treatments
  • Ultrasound therapy
  • Low-level laser therapy

Adjustments, stretching, core training, therapeutic sports massage, health coaching, and nutritional counseling will strengthen the body, allowing for performing physical activities and sports at optimum levels.

Body Composition

Sports Performance

Working with sports chiropractic athletes means achieving a balance of lean mass to maintain sports performance and reduce the risk of injury. Athletes, doctors, and trainers monitor gains over time to maximize performance and watch for signs of potential injury. A method of monitoring for potential injury is the ECW/TBW Analysis. When training and engaging in sports, the body is under physical stress. The proper amount of rest and recovery are needed to allow muscles to recover and regrow. Inflammation is reflected in the ECW/TBW by monitoring changes over time. A steady increase can indicate a sign of overtraining or improper recovery. Monitoring this progression can alert doctors and trainers that an athlete needs a less intense workout or longer recovery to reduce the potential for overtraining injury.


Corcoran, Kelsey L et al. “Association Between Chiropractic Use and Opioid Receipt Among Patients with Spinal Pain: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis.” Pain medicine (Malden, Mass.) vol. 21,2 (2020): e139-e145. doi:10.1093/pm/pnz219

Naqvi U, Sherman Al. Muscle Strength Grading. [Updated 2021 Sep 2]. In: StatPearls [Internet]. Treasure Island (F.L.): StatPearls Publishing; 2022 Jan-. Available from:

Nelson, Luke et al. “A descriptive study of sports chiropractors with an International Chiropractic Sports Science Practitioner qualification: a cross-sectional survey.” Chiropractic & manual therapies vol. 29,1 51. 13 Dec. 2021, doi:10.1186/s12998-021-00405-1

Williams, Sean et al. “Kinesio taping in treatment and prevention of sports injuries: a meta-analysis of the evidence for its effectiveness.” Sports medicine (Auckland, N.Z.) vol. 42,2 (2012): 153-64. doi:10.2165/11594960-000000000-00000

Leg Spasms and Cramping

Leg Spasms and Cramping

Leg spasms and cramps are common conditions where the muscles in the leg suddenly become tight and painful. They present with no warning and can cause excruciating and debilitating pain. They usually occur in the calf muscles but can affect any area of the leg, including the feet and thighs. After the cramping has passed, pain and tenderness can remain in the leg for several hours. Although many leg spasm episodes go away by themselves, they can disrupt normal activities, exercise regimens, and sleep if they continue and are left untreated.

Leg Spasms and Cramping


Leg Spasms and Symptoms

A leg spasm is a sudden, sharp contraction or tightening of a muscle in the leg. This can last a few seconds to a few minutes. Muscle cramps anywhere in the body cause sudden contraction of the muscle. This is an involuntary function and can include the following symptoms:

  • Soreness and discomfort can be mild to extreme.
  • Muscle tightening.
  • Hardening of the muscle.
  • Twitching of the muscle.
  • Pain.

Leg spasms are typically brief and go away on their own, but individuals are recommended to seek treatment if they are frequently experienced or last for extended periods.



  • Dehydration is a common cause of leg spasms and pain.
  • Lack of fluids can cause the nerve endings to become sensitized, triggering muscle contractions.

Peripheral Artery Disease

Mineral Deficiency

  • When the body sweats, it loses water and electrolytes.
  • When the body is low on electrolytes
  • Imbalances in:
  • Sodium
  • Calcium
  • Magnesium
  • Potassium
  • It can affect nerve transduction and lead to muscle spasms.


  • If the body does not produce sufficient thyroid hormone, this is known as hypothyroidism.
  • Over time, this deficiency can damage the nerves that send signals from the brain and spine to the legs.
  • Tingling, numbness, and frequent cramping can result.

Spinal Misalignment

  • Spinal misalignment can compress nerve roots that run down the leg.
  • This can cause radiating leg pain and spasms, specifically in the back of the thigh.

Muscle and Connective Tissue Injuries

  • Injuries like tears, strains, and sprains can lead to leg spasms and frequent cramping.


  • In the second and third trimesters of pregnancy, calcium and magnesium deficiency are common and can lead to leg spasms and cramps.


The proper course of treatment for leg spasms depends on the severity and underlying cause/s. A chiropractor can identify the cause and develop a personalized treatment plan to relieve and eliminate leg cramps.


  • Misalignments can compress the nerve roots radiating from the spine to the legs.
  • This can lead to radiating leg pain and/or leg spasms.
  • Realignment through chiropractic can relieve the pressure on compressed nerve roots, alleviating leg discomfort and pain.
  • A chiropractor will also recommend exercises and stretches to strengthen the legs and core muscles.

Physical Therapeutic Massage

  • A physical therapist will use various massage techniques to relax the leg muscles to prevent and reduce the severity of spasms.
  • Massage therapy will relieve any inflammation that accompanies leg spasms, decreasing pain and swelling in the area.

Health Coaching

  • Leg spasms can be caused by nutritional deficiency.
  • As a part of the treatment plan, a health coach will evaluate the individual’s diet and suggest changes that will help address any nutritional deficiencies contributing to leg spasms and cramps.

Body Composition

Track Inflammation and Fluid Imbalances From Injury or Surgery

Inflammation can occur with little to no visible symptoms following surgery or injury. Precision measurement of body water can detect water retention and inflammation to aid rehabilitation treatment. InBody effectively distinguishes water in the following compartments that comprise total body water.

  • Intracellular-ICW-within the tissues.
  • Extracellular-ECW-within the blood and interstitial fluids.
  • The Edema Index can be used to detect fluid imbalances resulting from inflammation from injury or recovery after surgery.

Assessing fluid balance in the body and specific segments can help identify inflammation and guide treatment to reduce the risk of re-injury or post-surgery complications. These measurements are provided for the whole body and can determine where fluid imbalances may be occurring for more precise analysis.


Araújo, Carla Adriane Leal de et al. “Oral magnesium supplementation for leg cramps in pregnancy. An observational controlled trial.” PloS one vol. 15,1 e0227497. 10 Jan. 2020, doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0227497

Garrison, Scott R et al. “Magnesium for skeletal muscle cramps.” The Cochrane database of systematic reviews vol. 2012,9 CD009402. 12 Sep. 2012, doi:10.1002/14651858.CD009402.pub2

Kang, Seok Hui et al. “Clinical Significance of the Edema Index in Incident Peritoneal Dialysis Patients.” PloS one vol. 11,1 e0147070. 19 Jan. 2016, doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0147070

Luo, Li et al. “Interventions for leg cramps in pregnancy.” The Cochrane database of systematic reviews vol. 12,12 CD010655. 4 Dec. 2020, doi:10.1002/14651858.CD010655.pub3

Mekhail, Nagy et al. “Long-term safety and efficacy of closed-loop spinal cord stimulation to treat chronic back and leg pain (Evoke): a double-blind, randomized, controlled trial.” The Lancet. Neurology vol. 19,2 (2020): 123-134. doi:10.1016/S1474-4422(19)30414-4

Young, Gavin. “Leg cramps.” BMJ clinical evidence vol. 2015 1113. 13 May. 2015

Video Gaming Injuries

Video Gaming Injuries

Video gaming has grown to over 150 million individuals in the United States playing. Around 60% of Americans play video games every day, with the average gamer being 34 years old. Playing video games for an extended amount of time takes a toll on the body. Individuals are experiencing the same kind of pains and aches from sitting and standing all day at work or school. Sitting positions, holding the controllers, and the different accessories can impact the nerves, muscles, and Posture. E-sports professionals understand the physical toll their bodies take with constant practice, tournaments, clinics, etc. They do cardiovascular conditioning, strength train, and stretch to improve their gaming abilities and also take into account:

  • The correct sitting position.
  • Ergonomic chairs.
  • Screen height.
  • Ergonomic controllers.
  • Hand/wrist supports.
  • Take regular breaks.

Taking steps can prevent strain, injuries and minimize the risk of long-term damage. If strain and injuries are present, professional chiropractic treatment can help alleviate the pain, rehabilitate/strengthen the muscles, ligaments, tendons, and recommend exercises and stretches.

Video Gaming Injuries

Video Gaming Posture

Proper Posture is vital to maintaining spinal as well as overall health. Poor Posture is the most common cause of back and neck pain.

Video Gaming Positions

Common gaming positions include the couch slouch where the gamer is slumped back into the couch with their feet up. This can lead to low back pain and sciatica. The full-on position is where the individual leans forward, elbows on their knees, head tilted forward, and staring up at the screen. Hours in these positions cause the neck, back, and other body areas to stiffen, generating soreness from the restricted movement. Many gamers use ergonomic gaming chairs. They have found that using the gaming chair improves Posture, eliminating the forward head and rounded shoulders. Gaming chairs can provide the health benefit of sitting correctly, reducing and eliminating neck and back tension or strain.

Injuries and Health Issues

Common musculoskeletal issues caused by excessive gaming and lack of movement include:

  • Eyestrain
  • Headaches
  • Neck pain
  • Elbow, arm, wrist  pain
  • Thumb pain
  • General hand pain
  • Carpal tunnel syndrome
  • Postural stress
  • Back pain

Chiropractic Treatment

Shoulder Massage

The intensity of gaming can cause the shoulders to tense up and stiffen. When using the controller, the shoulders can slightly lift, building up lactic acid, interrupting blood circulation, causing an accumulation of unwanted toxins inflaming trigger points. A chiropractic massage will release tightened muscles, provide relaxation, and increase the blood flow.

Hand and Wrist Treatment

The most used body parts for video games include the hands and wrist. Individuals grip the controllers or constantly use the keyboard and mouse. No matter what form of input is used, prolonged use can cause hand and wrist injuries. Injuries include:

  • Inflammation
  • Hand muscle aches

Chiropractic focuses on specific areas to help treat the body through a hand and wrist massage. Advanced techniques include electrical muscle stimulation to help stimulate and loosen the muscles. A chiropractor will recommend stretches and exercises, and hand/wrist supports, guards, or special gloves to alleviate muscle pains while still playing.

Neck and Back Adjustments

Poor posture can result in a misaligned spine or back muscle spasms. During extended game sessions, pain and fatigue can begin to present. A chiropractic adjustment can realign the muscles and set them back in place. The tissue surrounding the neck may thicken and focus on a specific area. Leaning too far forward or using a heavy gaming headset can result in a forward head posture placing a constant strain on the neck. Chiropractic adjustments will loosen the tissue and release any tension. Stretches and exercises will be recommended as well.


  • Set up the gaming station correctly.
  • The monitor or TV should be directly in front and around eye level, taking the strain off the neck.
  • Support the low back by maintaining the normal curve known as lordosis.
  • Use a lumbar support pillow or a small pillow behind the low back to prevent strain and pain.
  • Take frequent breaks every hour, take 10 minutes to get up, walk around, and stretch.
  • Physical activity/exercise 30-60 minutes a day to improve health.
  • Healthy diet

Body Composition

Body Composition

Body composition refers to how various substances in the body are proportioned. A few examples of the components that make up the body include:

  • Water
  • Protein
  • Fat
  • Minerals

All of these components generate balance in the body. When individuals exercise, they begin to notice changes in their body composition. For individuals that exercise regularly, it is vital to track weight gain, weight loss, and changes in body composition. This is to ensure that they aren’t losing muscle mass. As individuals exercise, muscle fibers are torn. During the recovery process, muscles are rebuilt. Overtraining can lead to muscle mass reduction because the body cannot catch up and rebuild the number of muscle fibers, eventually leading to lost muscle.


Emara, Ahmed K et al. “Gamer’s Health Guide: Optimizing Performance, Recognizing Hazards, and Promoting Wellness in Esports.” Current sports medicine reports vol. 19,12 (2020): 537-545. doi:10.1249/JSR.0000000000000787

Geoghegan, Luke, and Justin C R Wormald. “Sport-related hand injury: a new perspective of e-sports.” The Journal of hand surgery, European volume vol. 44,2 (2019): 219-220. doi:10.1177/1753193418799607

McGee, Caitlin, et al. “More Than a Game: Musculoskeletal Injuries and a Key Role for the Physical Therapist in Esports.” The Journal of orthopedic and sports physical therapy vol. 51,9 (2021): 415-417. doi:10.2519/jospt.2021.0109

McGee, Caitlin, and Kevin Ho. “Tendinopathies in Video Gaming and Esports.” Frontiers in sports and active living vol. 3 689371. 28 May. 2021, doi:10.3389/fspor.2021.689371

Zwibel, Hallie et al. “An Osteopathic Physician’s Approach to the Esports Athlete.” The Journal of the American Osteopathic Association vol. 119,11 (2019): 756-762. doi:10.7556/jaoa.2019.125

Understanding the Causes of Acute and Chronic Sports Injuries

Understanding the Causes of Acute and Chronic Sports Injuries

Acute and chronic sports injuries. Individuals who participate in sports or physical activities have an increased risk of experiencing an injury. These types of damages range from minor to severe and could require medical attention. Acute sports injuries happen suddenly and are usually the result of trauma to the area. A specific, identifiable incident is what causes an acute injury. Chronic sports injuries, also known as repetitive/overuse injuries, happen with time and are not caused by a single incident.

Understanding the Causes of Acute and Chronic Sports Injuries

Acute and Chronic Sports Injuries Identification

Acute injuries can be identified by their cause. This could be a falling down during a run, sharp pain that presents in the shoulder after a throw, or a sprained ankle. The ability to focus on one cause usually means it’s acute. Acute injuries are characterized by:

  • Sudden pain in an area where there was none.
  • Swelling
  • Redness
  • Tenderness
  • Limited range of motion.
  • The inability of the injured area to support its weight.
  • A broken bone.
  • Dizziness
  • Headache
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting

Chronic injuries are different but are usually easy to identify. The pain begins gradually, usually over weeks or months. Repetitive activities like running, throwing, and swinging can exacerbate the pain. However, it is difficult to point to a specific issue that first caused the discomfort or pain. Chronic sports injuries are characterized by:

  • Pain and tenderness in the area, especially during and immediately after activity.
  • Minor swelling and limited range of motion.
  • Dull pain when resting.

These two types of injuries have different causes – trauma for acute and wear-and-tear for chronic – but they can both result in similar issues. For example, shoulder rotator cuff injuries are common, especially those that repeatedly use their shoulder to swing, throw, swim, etc. The individual needs to undergo a rotator cuff injury test to diagnose the injury correctly, whether the damage is acute or chronic. Chronic injuries can cause acute injuries, and acute injuries can lead to chronic injuries if left untreated.

Examples of Acute and Chronic Sports Injuries

Chronic and acute injuries are common in every type of sport. There’s an opportunity for both types of injuries. The most common include:

Acute Injuries:

  • Sprain and Strains
  • Burners and Stingers
  • A.C.L. Tears
  • Rotator Cuff Tear
  • Dislocated Shoulder
  • Broken Bones or Fractures
  • Concussion
  • Whiplash

Chronic Injuries:

  • Runner’s Knee
  • Achilles Tendon Issues
  • Shin Splints
  • Swimmer’s Shoulder
  • Lateral epicondylitis tennis elbow
  • Stress Fractures

Other injuries from trauma, overuse, or both include:

  • Nonspecific Back Pain
  • Herniated Disc/s
  • Spondylolysis


Minor acute injuries can be treated with rest, ice, compression, and elevation, aka R.I.C.E. Overuse injuries, are different as the injury has been gradually increasing in its severity, possibly causing scar tissue and ganglion cysts to develop. To prevent the injury from worsening, it’s recommended to see a sports injury chiropractor or physical therapist. These professionals can help heal the body and educate the individual on self-care and prevention.


The musculoskeletal system takes a beating. Chronic injuries usually affect the bones, joints, muscles, or a combination. Chiropractic helps keep the musculoskeletal system limber and in proper alignment. Adjustments include:

  • Neck adjustments
  • Arm and hand adjustments
  • Shoulder adjustments
  • Knee adjustments
  • Hip adjustments
  • Foot adjustments

Physical Therapy

Physical therapy for a chronic injury can help prevent future injuries. A physical therapist helps:

  • Improve range of motion
  • Reduces pain and swelling
  • Increases strength

Whether an athlete or is just staying active and having some fun with sports, acute and chronic injuries can sneak up and worsen if they are not treated properly. Healing with the help of a professional can quicken recovery time and prevent future injuries.

Body Composition

Maintain Muscle Mass While Losing Fat

Individuals who want to lose weight should focus on losing excess fat tissue, not muscle mass. Studies have shown that diet and exercise are crucial to preserving Skeletal Muscle Mass while losing weight. Losing weight healthily includes:

  • A healthy balance of cardio and resistance training to burn calories and build muscle.
  • A caloric deficit diet to burn through extra fat stores.
  • Get enough protein to support and maintain healthy muscle mass.

Cava, Edda et al. “Preserving Healthy Muscle during Weight Loss.” Advances in nutrition (Bethesda, Md.) vol. 8,3 511-519. 15 May. 2017, doi:10.3945/an.116.014506

Wörtler, K, and C Schäffeler. “Akute Sportverletzungen und chronische Überlastungsschäden an Vor- und Mittelfuß” [Acute sports injuries and chronic overuse stress damage to the forefoot and midfoot]. Der Radiologe vol. 55,5 (2015): 417-32. doi:10.1007/s00117-015-2855-3

Yang, Jingzhen et al. “Epidemiology of overuse and acute injuries among competitive collegiate athletes.” Journal of athletic training vol. 47,2 (2012): 198-204. doi:10.4085/1062-6050-47.2.198

The Stinger A Cervical Sports Injury El Paso, Texas

The Stinger A Cervical Sports Injury El Paso, Texas

A look at what a stinger or burner injury is and what they can do to the neck and shoulders. We will look at:

  • Symptoms
  • Treatment
  • Prevention

Contact sports, like:

  • Football
  • Hockey
  • Soccer
  • Basketball

This is a very common cervical injury that affects the neck and upper body. This is known as a stinger.

A stinger can also be called a burner and is an injury that happens when the head or neck gets hit to one side, which causes the shoulder to be pulled in the opposite direction.

Stingers/burners often happen at the high school level but can occur at all levels of play.


11860 Vista Del Sol Ste. 128 The Stinger A Cervical Sports Injury El Paso, Texas


Stinger/Burner neck injury cause

A stinger is caused by stretching the brachial plexus nerves.

These peripheral nerves that come out of:

  • Spinal cord
  • Run across the shoulders
  • Under the collarbone
  • Into the arms

The brachial plexus nerves give the arms their strength and sensation.

When a sideways hit to the head or hit to the shoulder occurs, the nerves can become:

  • Compressed
  • Stretched
  • Irritated


11860 Vista Del Sol Ste. 128 The Stinger A Cervical Sports Injury El Paso, Texas


Symptoms of a cervical stinger

This type of sideways collision causes immediate and intense pain, tingling or burning sensations that can run down the arm into the fingers.

Weakness in the affected arm or hand is common.

The weakness, numbness, and tingling sensations can last a few minutes or for a few weeks.


Stinger/burner injury treatment

Fortunately, most stinger injuries heal on their own with rest and relaxation of the neck muscles.

Athletes are placed on the disabled list until symptoms are gone and a doctor has cleared the athlete.

  1. Ice pack on the neck or shoulders
  2. Anti-inflammatory medication
  3. Chiropractic
  4. Massage
  5. Neck strength exercises

Players can return to sport once the pain is gone and they’ve regained:

  • Full range of motion
  • Strength
  • Normal sensation in neck and arms

Constant or recurring symptoms could indicate a more serious injury.

Cervical x-rays, a CT scan, or MRI could be used to rule out other conditions with similar symptoms.

Can stinger/burner injuries be prevented?

  • Strengthening exercises for the neck muscles are an important way for athletes and beginners to help prevent these injuries.
  • Using the proper and correct technique in contact sports to avoid spearing/spear tackles and head down tackling.
  • Safety equipment, like neck rolls, can help limit the backward movement of the neck.

Players who experience stinger symptoms should immediately report it to their coaches or team/personal physician.

Ignoring or playing through a stinger injury can lead to more severe injuries.


*Neck* Pain Chiropractic Care | El Paso, Tx



Following a balanced diet along with healthy lifestyle habits can help promote optimal health and wellness.

People with neck pain realize how much their symptoms affect their ability to engage in everyday activities.

Dr. Alex Jimenez helps patients achieve neck pain relief through chiropractic care, an alternative treatment option that carefully corrects any spinal misalignments or subluxations.�


NCBI Resources

  • Stretching is an outstanding complement to chiropractic care.
  • Blood flow to the muscles is increased, helps lower the risk of injury and improves performance.
  • Stretching is good for the joints, it helps them function through their full range of motion.
  • The benefits of stretching make it a great practice to do regularly.